Life After Lockdown: Tips For Returning To The Office After Covid-19

Office life comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The benefits of returning to work include visiting your favourite employees, getting free sweets in the kitchen, and just having a spot to focus on your professional duties. The difficulties – dealing with oversharing co-workers, crusty coffee cups in the sink that no one wants to clean, and that one individual who insists on microwaving salmon every other day. That's just the way things go at the office.

Some people adjusted well to the change when it was taken away from us last year, while others struggled. But as the epidemic progressed, one thing became clear: despite the chaos that surrounded us, our houses were the only safe haven.

The Right Ways to Join the Workplace Again

The first type is concerned with safety. People are worried that if they leave their residence, they would accidentally get COVID risk and transmit it to others. Social interactions are the second category. We've been socially isolating ourselves over the last year, and we've forgotten how to meet people in person, look them in the eyes, and participate in regular chitchat.

Tidy up

You may as well freshen up your desk while you're there. If your workplace has been empty for a year, it may require some cleaning or updating. Take some cleaning supplies with you to your dry run and spend some time making your place ready. Make it appear lovely and comfortable by adding some new photographs. It is beneficial to your mental health to live in a nice, clean, and well-organized environment. Being in one can also help you feel less stressed, especially if you have a high amount of cortisol.

Follow A Schedule 

You were able to take a snooze cruise until a few minutes before your workday started since you didn't have to commute. Managing family life, on the other hand, may have stretched your workdays late into the night. The wonderful thing about returning to work is that you'll be able to enjoy a normal day once more. Make sure you're well-rested so you don't fall asleep during those face-to-face encounters.

Maintain A Connection

As some of us return to our regular 9-5 jobs, we may discover that we have less time for the interests and routines we developed during a lockdown. The expert, on the other hand, emphasises the value of keeping relationships with friends and family. We have a want to be connected to other people. You go away with a spring in your step after talking to them, releasing, and obtaining a fresh perspective. Make time for walks in the fresh air with friends and phone calls to family members you may not see on a regular basis during your first few weeks back at work.

Adjust Your Time Table

Do you have a lengthy commute ahead of you? It's time to get back into the habit of getting up and going to bed earlier. Set your alarm a few minutes earlier each day until you're getting up when you need to for travel. Why not take a morning stroll or prepare a delicious meal to make the most of your time?

Following office protocol isn't only a matter of waking up early; your food habits may also need to alter. If you've been eating supper earlier than usual since you've been at home, consider rescheduling your meals to when you'd normally eat after your workplace commute. That way, when you return to work, you won't be as hungry when you arrive home!

Ask Your Employer

Ask them if you have any issues, worries, or questions! It is your employer's responsibility to provide a safe and comfortable working environment, so don't be afraid to ask questions and get lockdown guidance.

Outside of health and safety procedures, now is the time to consider other possibilities while your company is more receptive to acceptable changes: trust me, they will be more accommodating than you think! 

Unless you have a strong desire to return to work full-time, you may wish to consider blended/flexible working choices or a phased return. Of course, the nature of your business will determine this, but regardless of your fears, don't be reluctant to have open dialogues in order to alleviate any anxiety.


It's hard to think it's been nearly a year since the UK was placed under lockdown for the first time. We've spent a lot more time indoors, mostly working from home, while dealing with not seeing our friends and family, childcare, and missing the bar

While some individuals yearn to return to the office, many others have become acclimated to the advantages of working from home: fewer early morning commutes, more time with the kids and pets, cost savings, and, of course, the opportunity to have a zoom call while wearing pyjama bottoms. Despite the fact that many firms are attempting to offer full-time or hybrid remote work, some employees will have to return to the office. 

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